Rebecca Schwartz

I’m a freelance editor with over 20 years of experience—longer if you count all the typos I used to find in my early reader books. I love the English language (even if teaching it, or even fully understanding it, is fraught with trouble). My job is to make everything you do better.

I have edited for traditionally published authors (like Elise Title who has published dozens of romance novels for Harlequin as well as psychosexual thrillers like Romeo for Bantam), I have also worked with self-published authors, and even authors who just want to make their passion project perfect for themselves.

“What about nonfiction books, Rebecca?”

Yep, those too; everything from business manuals like Code–Measure–Improve by Adam Schwartz and Deborah Walsh, to self-help relationship books like Relationship Cleanup by Jeffrey and Elise Title.

A special place in my clichéd heart is reserved for children’s and YA lit. I would call it nostalgia if I didn’t still read them for my own enjoyment.

There is room in that aforementioned clichéd heart for my first love—poetry. When I was a child, my big brother read Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss to me until I memorized all my favorites. In sixth grade, when my English teacher read “Suicide’s Note” by Langston Hughes—my creative and academic trajectory immediately changed (I was somewhere between wanting to be a stage actor or an Egyptologist). I studied poetry and poetics in college for my final thesis. I think that knowing the way words work in poetry gives me a unique perspective that serves to enhance my editing skills.




When I’m Not Working:

I’ve always wanted to be Wonder Woman and these days I live out those dreams in the disguise of a “wonder” mom to two teenagers.

I’m a big fan of what the kids are calling slow fashion. I sew my own clothes, I knit, and I spin and dye yarn.

I’m also an old school nerd. I love to play TTRPGs like Pathfinder and Dungeons & Dragons, (Ask me which I prefer: bards of barbarians.). Really I adore any board games, especially word and trivia games, that my friends and family will play with me. (Why yes, I would love to play with you!)

Sometimes I even read. These days I mostly “read” audiobooks and podcasts so I can keep knitting.

(Title of this section should probably be: Ask me about my hoards of fabric, yarn, dice, audiobooks, and podcasts.)

Me as Wonder Woman by, Blair Shedd.

My legs/feet with me-knitted socks and skirt.