I have a manuscript I’d like you to edit: Name * First Name Last Name Email * What type of editing are you looking for? Assessment Poetry Developmental Line Copy Other Stories or facts? * Fiction Nonfiction Other Would you like to start with a 1,000 word sample edit? ($10 for fiction/$15 nonfiction) Yes No Do you have a deadline? * Yes No Maybe How did you find out about my editing services? * Please let me know how you found your way here. It really helps me learn where to social. Google Searchiness Facebook Group UpWork Instagram Twitter (other name shall not be named) Other How many words is your manuscript? What's it about? * Thanks! See? Wasn’t that fun?No? Oh, well sorry. But I’ll get back to you real soon! I have some other question: Name * First Name Last Name Email * Subject * Message * Thank you! I will get back to you within two days.