Passive Voiced Mses. Birdwhistle and Gotobed versus the Active Voiced Dog

Ms. Philomena Birdwhistle was thinking about visiting Ms. Henrietta Gotobed at her little cottage near the beach. She did so enjoy her little visits, but she was thinking about whether this would be a good time for a visit. Afterall, it was going to be four o’clock soon and Ms. Gotobed did not enjoy being disrupted while she was taking her tea.

While Ms. Birdwhistle was pondering the ponderous proposition she was also walking towards the cottage. Her feet were making the decision for her. When, at long last, Ms. Birdwhistle became aware of her surroundings, she was noting that her hand was already making itself into a fist and was knocking upon the door.

 Ms. Gotobed was sitting to her tea when she began to hear a that something was knocking upon her door. She was wondering if she should be continuing to be enjoying her tea or if she should be answering the door. While Ms. Gotobed was wondering, and Ms. Birdwhistle was pondering, there was another sound. There was a barking that was from a large dog.  

The dog ran, romped, and rolled. It did not ponder or wonder but instead took decisive action. Bernard, as we would later learn was the name of the dog, leapt at Ms. Birdwhistle, knocking her to the ground. He then grabbed the door pull with his little teeth and yanked the door open. (The door of the cottage was creaky, and old, and its small little latch was not up to the dog’s strength.) Next Mr. Snugglebottom, as we would learn that was his second name, plowed into the coffee table, spilling the tea, and more importantly, the lovely tiny crustless sandwiches to the ground. Every dog knows, deep down in their deepest core, that food once on the floor was fair game. Mr. Bernard Snugglebottom ate all the sandwiches, turned to chase his tail two times, and flopped to the ground mid-snore.


Qualifiers Almost Always Ruin Things, Sometimes